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/** * NOTE: * Install or include the js-sha256 library to calculate the response in sha256 hash * Install via npm: * – npm i js-sha256 * or include from cdn: * – https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/js-sha256/0.9.0/sha256.min.js **/ let payload = { //your unique request reference “reference” : `SP_REQUEST_${Math.random()}`, //URL where you will receive the webhooks from Shufti Pro “callback_url” : “https://yourdomain.com/profile/sp-notify-callback”, //end-user email “email” : “johndoe@example.com”, //end-user country “country” : “”, //what kind of proofs will be provided to Shufti Pro for verification? “verification_mode” : “any”, //allow end-user to upload verification proofs if the webcam is not accessible “allow_offline” : “1”, //allow end user to upload real-time or already catured proofs “allow_online” : “1”, //privacy policy screen will be shown to end-user “show_privacy_policy” : “1”, //verification results screen will be shown to end-user “show_results” : “1”, //consent screen will be shown to end-user “show_consent” : “1”, //User can send Feedback “show_feedback” : “1” } //document onsite verification with OCR payload[‘document’] = { ‘name’ : “”, ‘dob’ : “”, ‘fetch_enhanced_data ‘ : “1”, ‘supported_types’ : [‘id_card’,’passport’] } //document two onsite verification with OCR payload[‘document_two’] = { ‘fetch_enhanced_data’ : “1”, ‘supported_types’ : [‘id_card’,’passport’] } //address onsite verification with OCR payload[‘address’] = { ‘name’ : “”, ‘full_address’ : “”, ‘address_fuzzy_match’ : ‘1’, ‘supported_types’ : [‘utility_bill’,’passport’,’bank_statement’] } //background check/AML verification with OCR payload[‘background_checks’] = “” var token = btoa(“4f92cb527cccd4b9bbe98e27c3dd2aa9b049df057f461dd8ada4b05c783148d4:RUst2aVEnDH9CSwca8oHRxACJ4UCNBoN”); //BASIC AUTH TOKEN var responsesignature = null; //Dispatch request via fetch API or with whatever else which best suits for you fetch(‘https://shuftipro.com/api/’, { method : ‘post’, headers : { ‘Accept’ : ‘application/json’, ‘Content-Type’ : ‘application/json’, ‘Authorization’ : ‘Basic ‘ +token }, body: JSON.stringify(payload) }) .then(function(response) { responsesignature = response.headers.get(‘Signature’); return response.json(); }).then(function(data) { if(validatesignature(data,responsesignature,’RUst2aVEnDH9CSwca8oHRxACJ4UCNBoN’)){ console.log(‘signature validated’,data) }else{ console.log(‘signature not validated’,data) } }); //this method is used to validate the response signature function validatesignature(data,signature,SK){ data = JSON.stringify(data); data = data.replace(/\//g,”\\/”) data = `${data}${SK}`; sha256(data); var hash = sha256.create(); hash.update(data); if(hash.hex() == signature){ return true; }else{ return false; } }
POST /api/ HTTP/1.1 Host: shuftipro.com Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Basic NGY5MmNiNTI3Y2NjZDRiOWJiZTk4ZTI3YzNkZDJhYTliMDQ5ZGYwNTdmNDYxZGQ4YWRhNGIwNWM3ODMxNDhkNDpSVXN0MmFWRW5ESDlDU3djYThvSFJ4QUNKNFVDTkJvTg== { //your unique request reference "reference" : "1234567", //URL where you will receive the webhooks from Shufti Pro "callback_url" : "http://www.example.com/", //end-user email "email" : "johndoe@example.com", //end-user country "country" : "", //what kind of proofs will be provided to Shufti Pro for verification? "verification_mode" : "any", //allow end-user to upload verification proofs if the webcam is not accessible "allow_offline" : "1", //allow end user to upload real-time or already catured proofs "allow_online" : "1", //privacy policy screen will be shown to end-user "show_privacy_policy" : "1", //verification results screen will be shown to end-user "show_results" : "1", //consent screen will be shown to end-user "show_consent" : "1", //User can send Feedback "show_feedback" : "1" //document onsite verification with OCR "document" : { "proof" : "", "supported_types" : ["id_card","driving_license","passport"], "name" : "", "dob" : "", "fetch_enhanced_data" : "1" }, //document two onsite verification with OCR "document_two" : { "proof" : "", "supported_types" : ["id_card","driving_license","passport"], }, //address onsite verification with OCR "address" : { "proof" : "", "supported_types" : ["id_card","bank_statement"], "name" : "", "full_address" : "", "address_fuzzy_match" : "1" } //background/AML checks verification with ocr "background_checks": "" }
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